Sports Betting Guide
Betting strategy - setting a goal
Welcome to another betting strategy guide. This time we will try to explain why is it important to set goals when betting on sports and how to do it properly. Enjoy your reading.

Sports betting is like life. It makes it way easier to become successful if you walk on the already paved pass. Setting a goal will help you become a better punter in a short period of time, while also increase your profits. Isn’t that what betting is all about, though?
Set your goals and strategies
Let’s get to the actual goal-setting. What goes into it? What do you have to pay more attention to, and why is it so important, in the first place? We would like to emphasise the importance of the following points when making your decision:
- Why do you bet in the first place? Some wager for fun or emotions, while others do it solely out of the boredom. However, there are also those who consider constant pursuits of outplaying the bookmaker as a professional activity. Still, mainly, punters do it because of the financial benefits that it brings. What group do you belong to? This is the first thing you have to know in order to move on.
- What is your budget? As soon as you start betting, you must set the budget that you can afford. The most important thing here is for the funds not to be coming from the budgets devoted to other needs like bills, etc. Make sure your desire to beat the bookmaker is not fulfilled at the expense of your personal life.
- What approach are you going to use in your betting? You must decide which type of betting system you will be using. Would that be a flat or maybe some other type of stake? Pick it before your even register the account at one of our recommended online bookmakers.
- Set a plan. How much are you looking for to win during a set timeframe? You have to come up with the amount that would be satisfactory for the chosen time period. This would allow us not only to gradually move forward with our agenda but also to know how far we are from reaching our ultimate goal of beating the bookmaker.

Be SMART about your betting
Now you are ready to deliberately set your goal, which will lead you in your online betting journey. How to do it, though? What criteria to use and what goals to set in order to achieve the best results? Let’s start from the fact that every goal you set must fulfil these 5 basic points, which are called SMART:
- S - specified. As your first step, you have to clearly and precisely describe what your goal is all about and what is its main focus. It is important for the goal to be straightforward and unequivocal, in order not to have any second thoughts in the future. For example: «get myself together» is not a very clear goal, which you might interpret differently after a while. A better way of saying it would be (for example) «get back in the gym».
- M - measurable. It would be way easier for you to reach your goals if you have them written down on the paper, for example. Giving it some measurable value will allow room for assessment of your made progress. However, if you take a look at the previous «get back in the gym» example, it only fulfils the specification criterion but fails to satisfy the measurability aspect. In order for your goal to satisfy both criteria, we have to re-phrase it the following way: «bench press 100 kg».
- A - attractive. This one serves for motivation purposes and gives you the idea of why do you actually want it. It also bears the plot of challenge and sacrifice, which makes the success to be even more anticipated. So, would you consider a goal «make 20 push-ups» a motivational one? Not really, but it definitely would not do you any bad. What about that «bench press 100 kg to win a bet or a weight-lifting contest», it is a whole another situation now. Do you see the difference?
- R - realistic. It is obvious that if you would jump over yourself and set the bar a bit too high, you will not be able to reach your goals. Sticking to the lifting example, let’s say it would be smarter to break the goal down into some stages or stretch the timeframe instead of trying to bench press that 100 kilos in a week or two.
- T - time. In other words, the deadline. You have to deal with deadlines all over the place, whether you have to submit your school project or finish the report your boss requested a week ago, all of that has its time by which is it due. Just like for those projects, you have to select the proper timeframe for your betting journey with the particular online bookmaker, within which you want to reach your goal(s). Without such timeframes, you will keep trying to put it aside until completely forgetting about it.
Just to sum up, your final SMART goal should look like this: «bench press 100 kg in 2 months to win the lifting contest». Now, how to apply it to sports betting? Don’t worry, it’s as easy as pie!
Why is it not worth it to bet on the last matchweeks of the season? We will tell you why!

Such betting goals vary based on how good of a punter you are and what budget you have, but generally speaking, it should look more or less the following way: «make at least €1500 profit within 60 days to pay for a vacation».
Accurate? Absolutely, it is straightforward and clear. Can it be measured? Definitely, the amount we want is written down right there. Motivational and attractive? Yes, unless you do not like beaches and summy weather. Realistic? Seems like it, 1500 euros is not a sky-high amount, considering the fact that we are giving it a 2-month deadline.
We hope this sports betting tutorial finds you well. Be SMART about your betting, and good luck!
P.S.: If you have not yet checked out our bonuses and promotions section, it might be a great moment to do so and claim your free bet or opt-in for the amazing betting contest.
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